digestive health and your gut
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Digestive Health - Not Sexy, but Important just the same

Author: Home Core Fitness |


DIGESTION - what is it exactly?

Digestion is important for breaking down food into nutrients, which the body uses for energy, growth, and cell repair.

The digestive system has 3 main functions:

Digestion of food-The chemical breakdown of the ingested food into absorbable molecules

Absorption of nutrients-the movement of nutrients, water and electrolytes thru small intestine into the blood

Elimination of solid food waste-final step in digestion

As long as things are moving along normally, and you're not experiencing any digestive upsets, you may not give much thought to your digestive tract. But, maybe you're suffering from a common digestive condition like one of these below. 

9 Common Digestive Conditions from Top to Bottom:

GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)-when stomach acid backs up into your esophagus, you may feel a burning pain in the middle of your chest.

Gallstones-hard deposits that form in your gallbladder

Celiac Disease-serious sensitivity to gluten

Crohn's disease-can affect any part of GI tract

Ulcerative Colitis-sores or ulcers develop in the colon's lining

Irritable Bowel Syndrome-can cause bloating and daily changes in stool

Hemorrhoids-inflammation of blood vessels at the end of your digestive tract

Diverticulitis-small pouches called diverticula can form anywhere there are weak spots in the lining of digestive system

Anal fissure-tears in lining of end of digestive tract

If you want to help combat potential GI issues, you can read on for some healthy tips!

The types of foods people eat have a large impact on inflammatory status in the GI tract. Plyo-nutrients from plant-based foods are linked to healthy inflammatory response and support digestive health. Eating prebiotics & probiotics can help build up good bacteria in the gut. The good bacteria can battle the bad bacteria if they're allowed to flourish by eating foods like garlic, onions, asparagus, bananas, oats, apples, jicama and green vegetables. 

Foods high in fiber (vegetable, legumes and seeds, fruits, whole grains) are important for a healthy GI tract

Increased stress can lead to excess cortisol, which can negatively affect digestive system. Antibiotics can negatively influence the growth of helpful microbiota.

It is important to stay well hydrated, drink plenty of water!

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