What We Do At Home Core Fitness
If you’re looking for solutions to improve your fitness from home, look no further, as Home Core Fitness is just the solution you need. We understand that your house is the most comfortable place for you to exercise, and we are happy to come to you with our training programs so you can stay active and fit.
To help you see how we can improve your fitness without overcrowded gyms and machines, here is a handbook for our primary services. We’ve also included the steps we take to enhance your experience with us and increase your chances of obtaining the results you expect.
1. In-home personal training
We bring the workout to you ensuring a clean and safe experience. By coming to you, we can help you get moving and into shape in the comfort of your home. Moreover, you’ll be happy to know that no equipment is needed as we bring it along with us. We will also show you how to use household items as workout tools. We don’t believe in a cookie-cutter approach and we therefore take the time to bring the personal back into personal training.
2. Virtual online personal training
We use industry-leading apps to help us cater for your virtual personal training content. Nothing we do is pre-recorded. Every session is live so it is like having a trainer right there! We are based out of Maryland, but we have clients all over the country getting great results from our online training. So, if you were worried about seeing results, there’s no reason to be.
3. Nutrition coaching
We provide custom coaching to help with your nutritional needs and balance! We understand that you are human, just like the rest of us, and you need to have fun sometimes. To help you have a good time and eat the foods you like while getting in shape, we make sure that you understand how nutrition and calories work. That way, you know how much food you should consume, the types of foods that are best for you, and how you can enjoy cheat meals without feeling guilty. Providing you with this information allows you to have a balanced diet and not feel bored by it.
How we standout
In the last year, you may have come across several personal trainers and online training classes. Unlike these trainers, what we have to offer is far more valuable. As your personal trainers, we aim to provide you with an incredible experience that makes your investment in us worth more than you expected. To do this, we provide:
a. A comfortable environment
We understand that it can be challenging to exercise, even in an environment that is within your home. To help you get comfortable and build your confidence in your ability to exercise, we constantly motivate you and help you stay focused on the task at hand.
b. Time saving
By helping you workout at home, you no longer have to go to and from the gym. This means that you save time and money. With our online training program, you save even more time, as our trainers are ready to get you started from the time you log in.
c. Judgment free training
Another great advantage of working with us is that we do not judge you. Whether it is the way you look, the eating habits you follow, or your level of fitness knowledge, we never make you feel poorly about yourself. Instead, we make it our goal to help you learn about these different aspects and improve your health as you get fit.
If you’d like to learn more about what we do at Home Core Fitness, get in touch with us today! We are in-home personal trainers in Maryland, and we serve clients across New Market, Frederick County, Montgomery County, Carroll County, Howard County, and the surrounding areas. As a team of diverse fitness and health experts, we can provide you with all kinds of health solutions. This includes designing a custom workout plan, nutrition schedule, sleep, and rest cycle that is in line with your goals and time-table.
For more information about our fitness services, please click here. If you have any questions, please contact us here.